[History 2181A/B] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 31 pages long Study Guide!

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Similar timing to gay rights, women"s, and civil rights movements. Many marginalized groups felt that studying own history would help them understand why they *became* marginalized. 1970s he theorized about the history of sex and sexuality. Wrote several volumes called *the history of sexuality* Argued that modern sexuality was shaped by the late 19th century (victorian period) Greatest contribution: not natural but created, regulated, and enforced by these bodies of knowledge. Obsessed with sex and all things sexual. Victorian era was so obsessed with *not* talking about sex that it all became about sex; they seem repressed but are actually obsessed with it. Religion had a discourse about sex, same with the legal system, psychiatrists. Each societal agent had their own body of knowledge and ideologies about sex. Foucault understood that it wasn"t just this natural thing that just happened, it was dictated by what different groups and people said about it.