[Health Sciences 2300A/B] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (68 pages long)

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H e a l t h s c i e n c e s 2 3 0 0 a / b. Muscles innervated by facial nerve (cn vii: arises in brainstem: enters the. Iam, exists the sm foramen: 5 main branche: temporal, zygomatic, buccal, mandibular, cervical, when damaged your face melts" on that side = bell"s palsy. When parotid gland becomes infected, swells, and puts pressure on facial nerve, impedes conduction = droopiness of the face. Occiptiofrontalis: has 2 bellies: frontal and occipital separated by epicranius tendon and, moves forehead, using eyebrows. Zygomaticus (combine major and minor): run from zygote process to the corner of the mouth. Depressor anguli oris: corner of mouth downward, frowning muscle . Platysma: shaving muscle, tightens muscle so you can shave. Buccinator: often moved to other compartments (chewing: keeps good in bw molars), Deep fascia over temporals (under arch: pulls up the jaw, attaches to condular process of mandible, runs under arch.