Health Sciences 2610F/G Study Guide - Michael J. Sandel, Eating Animals, Decision Theory

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Types - any human capacity that is amenable to enhancement. Modes things like germ-line enhancement, somatic gene therapy, etc. Sometimes its hard to distinguish between enhancement and treatment, because enhancement usually starts as treatment. Economic development is a type of non-biomedical cognitive enhancement. Things like literacy which does in fact change the brain, the development of agriculture has enhanced food security etc. There are no radically new moral issues when it comes to historical enhancement. Notion of human nature is hard to define and treat as the standard because we don"t really know the fine lines of human therapy. Enhancements originally only affordable by the rich could easily diffuse to the rest of the population, the way cell phones and generic drugs do. Ambiguity in enhancement something can be an enhancement, but still may not be an improvement in even the individual. Enhancement doesn"t necessarily mean an increase in net gain.