[Kinesiology 1088A/B] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 56 pages long Study Guide!

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Intro to sports psych - monday, september 12. Kolb"s learning cycle: concrete experience (ce) - actual/feeling, reflective observation (ro) - watching what happened, abstract conceptualization (ac) - make sense of it/thinking, active experimentation (ae) - try out elsewhere/doing. Scientific method/experiments: lab experiments, typical method, scientific approach to developing knowledge. Systematic observation: social media, gives us some kind of inkling of how people behave (how they perform, knowing who"s performing well simply by observing. Single case study: observing a single person, observing how people react in stressful situations/while under pressure, what does anger have to do with motivation, generating knowledge using experiences and observations based on one person. Shared public experience: groups of people going through similar experiences. Introspection (thoughts/feelings: generate knowledge based on something that has happened to you, reflecting on what happened to you and changing your behaviour for next time. Founded on the concept of objectivity (lack of bias - researchers are detached observers and manipulators of nature)