Kinesiology 1088A/B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Sport Psychology, Motivation, Tacit Knowledge

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Single case study- one individual to generate knowledge, learn how people react in situations. Shared public experience- i"ve done it, you"ve done it. Introspection (thoughts/feelings)- simply on reflecting what happened to you. Any systematic study of sport psychology should include the following stages: observation and description (what is it we are trying to learn) Identify or define the essential characteristics: explanation and analysis (why?) Attempt to provide reason for the findings in stage 1: prediction (what will be) Use the knowledge obtained to predict future occurrences: control (how can we?) What can we control to change/enhance the behaviours or performance. Founded on the concept of objectivity (lack of bias- researchers are detached observers and manipulators of nature) It is a process or method of learning that uses a systematic, control, empirical and critical filtering of knowledge acquired through experience. Six steps of the scientific method: formulation of a specific hypothesis.