[Media, Information and Technoculture 1020E] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 33 pages long Study Guide!

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M e d i a , i n f o rm a t i o n a n d te c h n o c u l t u re 1 0 2 0 e. Representations shaped by structures of power, around class, race, gender, etc. A system of images, concepts and premises through which we interpret, understand and make sense" of social existence. Our imaginary relationship to the real conditions of existence louis. Media are, along with schools, families, churches and workplaces, one of the main apparatuses or institutions that transmit ideological messages. They do so with signs, stories and stereotypes: not only represent the world outside of us to us, in doing so they place us as audiences in ways that are consistent with ideologies. But also by how they position us as audiences readers and viewers of media texts: cinema positions you in a certain role, solicits you to take in a certain point of view.