Media, Information and Technoculture 3000A/B Midterm: MIT3000 Midterm Exam Notes

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Know: by doing, by living, by observing/listening/smelling/touching/tasting, by trial and error. Somebody says it is so it has to be true . Experience is the best way to test authority . Presuppositions/starting point (if this is true, then) Something assumed at the start of a line of a thinking. Proceeding from a known or assumed cause to necessarily related effect . An effect of authority, authority will do everything to keep the a priori in place. Where over-generalization causes too much abstraction, in regard to memory. Memory affecting experience as a method to knowing. Inference by reasoning from general to the specific. The idea that when certain discursive practices become naturalized, we have internalized our own oppression. Such as the adoption of climate change as the primary discourse means we have adopted the belief that it is not our fault. Falls under norman fairclough"s critical discourse analysis. The process of deriving reason from the general to the specific.