Management and Organizational Studies 3321 Study Guide - Final Guide: Social Comparison Theory, Cognitive Dissonance
Document Summary
A ect: the experience of emotionally-laden states, ranging from evaluation, to moods, to full- blown emotions, evaluations: valenced, low level reactions, moods: valenced, moderate arousal, emotions: valenced, intense arousal. Emotion: a complex pattern of changes, including physiological arousal, feelings, cognitive processes, and behavioural reactions, made in response to a situation perceived to be personally signi cant. Primary emotions: our unthinking, automatic, response to a stimuli. We are born with them - they are hardwired. Secondary emotions: our emotional response to feeling a primary emotion. These are learned- they are socially constructed: to understand/alleviate the experience of a secondary emotion it is useful to understand the primary emotion that is causing it, ex. A ect con rmation theory: emotion/mood can alter how people weigh information used in decision-making, ex. When making a purchase decision : a good mood may lead to a greater emphasis on passive attributes, a bad mood may lead to a greater emphasis on negative attributes.