Management and Organizational Studies 2275A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Alternative Dispute Resolution, Small Claims Court, Fundamental Breach

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Statement of claim: a document for setting out the basis for a legal claim. Government is divided into three parts : legislative: creates the law, executive: formulates and implements government policy, judicial branch: adjudicates on disputes. Government policy: the central ideas or principles that guide government in its work, including the kind of laws it passes. Constitutional law: the supreme law of canada that constrains and controls how the branches of government exercise power. Liberalism: a political philosophy that elevates individual freedom ad autonomy as its key organizing value. Canadian legal system: the machinery that comprises and governs the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government. Constitutional conventions: important rules that are not enforceable by a court of law but that practically determine of constrain how a given power is exercised. Legislative branch: the branch of government that creates statute law. government.