Media, Information and Technoculture 2000F/G Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Preconscious, Connotation, Jeremy Bentham

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Signifier: sound image/pattern, form linked to an idea, Signified: idea/concept linked to particular signifier (in our heads, translates to sound image) Linguistic units are dual in nature, comprised of 2 elements: sound image (signifier) and concept (signified) Never existed before a linguistic system, only conceptual and phonic differences that have issued from the system. Meaning of language is not coming from us. Not concerned with historical aspect of language. Langue: rules and elements that make up the system of language, sign system/system of communication. Parole: what users do with system, what they produce. Synchronic: to study language in particular moment in time. Diachronic: to study language as it changes through time. Not a nomenclature (pre-existing set of things we give names to: translation would then be easy. Meaning in language is generated by the system, not by the users of the system. Signs as arbitrary and language as differential system.