Media, Information and Technoculture 2200F/G Study Guide - Final Guide: Roland Barthes, Semiotics, Integrability Conditions For Differential Systems

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Author of first ideas about studied linguistics; taught this & his students created the reading, a book based on his ideas, students understood they were encountering a new set of ideas about language. Sassure"s ideas about language became widely influential way beyond just linguistics (philosophy, media studies, pop culture, etc. ) The link between signal and signification is arbitrary (67) The linguistic signal, being auditory in nature, has a temporal aspect, and hence certain temporal characteristics: (a) it occupies a certain temporal space, and (b) this space is measured in just one dimension: it is a line (70) Psychological (66) in perceiving, it"s not the material form that matters i. e. using our sense red = spicy i. e. Language is a differential system a little beyond. One of the earliest forms of media studies idea of myth in a general way (talking about): Myth today myth is how we make meaning out of culture.