[Media, Information and Technoculture 2500A/B] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 109 pages long Study Guide!

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M e d i a , i n f o rm a t i o n a n d te c h n o c u l t u re 2 5 0 0 a / b. People believe technology has no meaning apart from physical beings. Technology is the process of human evolution and human progress we must involve to become better people. Unlimited freedom that has nothing to do with reality. Individuals have been taught to believe everything do to forces bombarding everyone with sources fun, do our work more efficiently, more connected. Commitment to one another is more deep and connected how to change the world for the better. Innovative ideas link between technology and destiny. Escaping power within the body with power and tools. Should we develop power, we can extent our bodies to achieve something likewise to a god.