Philosophy 1130F/G Study Guide - Natural And Legal Rights, Russian Gay Propaganda Law, Jeremy Bentham

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Human rights are fundamental and basic, universal and egalitarian, and inalienable. (cannot be taken away) Universal declaration on human rights- adopted by united nations dec 10, 1948- today: 193 member states, established from peace negotiations after ww2 peace accord total: 30 articles. Natural rights- locke (1632-1704)(science can give us knowledge) natural rights- duty to god. Life, liberty, property necessary for human flourishing: men who own property (no women or people of color, or slaves, role of the state is to protect those men"s rights. Kantian ethics- kant (1724-1804: rights derived from a set of universal principles of morality, duty based account of ethics (what we judge to be right or wrong, not divine authority just our own rationality. Consequentialist (utilitarian)- jeremy bentham (1748-1832: consequences of actions determine if they are right or wrong, ends justifies the means, depends on that states legal system, a right as a legal expectation.