Psychology 1000 Study Guide - Final Guide: Unconscious Mind, Preconscious, Hypnosis

PSYCH 1000 Full Course Notes
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Three characteristics of personality (thoughts, feelings and actions that reflect it) Perceived characteristics of behaviour that are seen as reflecting an individual"s personality. Physical symptoms like paralysis and blindness appeared suddenly with no apparent physical cause. Jean charcot was treating patients with this when freud was awarded a fellowship to paris to work with him. Freud"s experimental techniques to access the unconscious mind. Energy that powers the mind and constantly presses for either direct or indirect release. Freud considered personality to be an energy system like a hydraulic steam engine. Ex. a buildup of energy from sexual drives might be discharged directly (sexual activity) or indirectly (fantasies, painting, etc. ) Mental events may be conscious, preconscious, or unconscious Conscious mind: mental events we are presently aware of. Preconscious mind: contains memories, thoughts, feelings and images that we are unaware of at the moment but can be called into conscious awareness. Unconscious mind: wishes, feelings, and impulses that lie beyond our awareness.