Psychology 2032A/B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Compulsory Sterilization, Paresis, Syphilis

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= degenerative disorder with psyc symptoms (delusions of grandeur) & physical symptoms (progressive paralysis) Established that some people with general paresis also had syphilis: louis pasteur germ theory of disease = disease is caused by infection of the body by minute organisms. Demonstrated relation between syphilis and general paresis. Causal link established between infection, damage to certain areas of the brain, and a form of psychopathology (paresis: genetics, galton originator of genetic research with twins, attributed many behavioural characteristics to heredity. Coined the terms nature and nurture (genetics vs. environment) Mental illness can be inherited (internal trait) One person could influence the fluid of another to bring about change in the other"s behaviour. Conducted meeting involving mystery and mysticism, trying to transmit animal magnetism and adjust universal magnetic fluid in individuals to remove the hysterical disorder (first using rods, then just by looking) Viewed hysteria of having strictly biological causes.