Psychology 2135A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Problem Solving, Spreading Activation, Information Processing

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Document Summary

You have a 3-gallon and a 5-gallon jug that you can fill from a fountain of water. Initial state: where you are now: givens: information that frames the problem, can change the initial state whether or not you known about them, explicit givens for example, multiple choice (pick one option) Givens: objects, conditions and constraints to the initial state, chopped the cooking show, given the ingredients, cookware, expertise, etc. Explicit versus implicit are they clearly stated or not clearly stated: explicit they are part of the problem definition. Implicit they are implied and you have to figure them out. Obstacles: no immediate recall of previous solution, no clear path, unfamiliar domain, cognitive limitations, busy doing other (cognitive) things, confusion, obstacles interact and overlap with the givens, they help define the problem. Means: operations to change the original state, move closer to the goal state, cognitive operations, solutions from memory, appropriate allocations of attention, working memory, physical operations.