Psychology 2135A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Gestalt Psychology, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Connectionism

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Influences on the study of cognition: aristotle and plato wrote extensively on the nature of memory. John locke, david hume, george berkeley, and john stuart mill follow. Structuralism: wilhelm wundt wanted to establish a science of mind , wanted to create a table of mental elements like the periodic table of elements, book: principles of physiological psychology. James baldwin first person to conduct controlled experiments with children. The study of individual differences: sir francis galton. The cognitive revolution : cognitive revolution = a movement in psychology that culminated after world. Investigations of neural underpinnings: brain imaging = the construction of pictures of the anatomy and functioning of intact brains through such techniques as computerized axial tomography (cat or. Ct), positron emission tomography (pet), magnetic resonance imaging (mri), or functional magnetic resonance imaging (fmri) Summary: first, cognitive psychologists use a variety of approaches to study cognitive phenomena, second, no research design is perfect each has benefits and limitations.