Psychology 2135A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Visual Cortex, Auditory Cortex, Visual Agnosia
Document Summary
Looks at behaviours and physiological processes to infer cognitive states interested in both mechanics and processes. Cognitive psychologists look at behaviours and physiological processes in order to infer cognitive states. Systematically test; gather empirical evidence; use statistics to determine whether difference is significant. Empirical observations must be systematic such that environmental and experimental conditions must be consistent throughout (i. e. cannot test one group at 2pm, and one group at 2am). To prove fact from fiction; or to determine whether or not differences found are significant. Monism (descartes): mind is a domain of god, body is the physical domain. Dualism (hobbes): mind and body are one and are both relevant in inferring physiological processes. Briefly describe what we now consider to be the 1st and 2nd cognitive experiments. Participants were either asked to press a button when there is a response (simple reaction time measured), or press one of two buttons depending on response (choice reaction time measured).