Psychology 3694F/G Study Guide - Midterm Guide: In Essence, Job Satisfaction, Iwork

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Document Summary

The romance of teams: toward an understanding of its psychological underpinnings and implications. The article argues that teams are not as effective as many believe them to be, and they argue the romance of teams stems from the psychological benefits of group based activity. They argue that these psychological benefits of teams lead people to assume that teams are high performance, thus causing the romance of teams. The primary goal of this paper is to provide a psychological account of the development and maintenance of this puzzling faith in the effectiveness of teams. A secondary goal is to outline the implications that this faith might have for organizations, research and employees. There is a mismatch between the modest evidence regarding team effectiveness and the enthusiasm for teams. Romance of teams: faith in the effectiveness of team based work that is not supported by or is even inconsistent with relevant empirical evidence.