Sociology 2143E Study Guide - Final Guide: Precarious Work, Wage Labour, Future 3

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2143e february 22, 2016 (cid:494)race(cid:495), ethnicity, )mmigration status & employment- Employment experience of people who have citizenship and residency vs. people without the two. Learn about precarious work/employment and its practices in canada and in the world. Discuss why we need to care about precarious employment. Show the links between precarious work, (cid:498)race(cid:499), and migration. Apply our knowledge to the experiences of (cid:494)(cid:523)mexican(cid:524) seasonal workers(cid:495) in. Secure positions that pay people a healthy salary. Provides the potential for upward mobility within an organization. Capital: aims to increase profit by lowering labour costs. Creates tension between high paid and cheap labour. Bringing in cheap labour from other countries divides the working class. >a labour market split along racial, ethnic, gender or political lines. >price of labour is routinely lower for one group, one paid less or excluded. >usually high priced workers share their employers background. > this split creates a tension and ethnic antagonism in the labour market.