Sociology 2240E Study Guide - Midterm Guide: M.O.P., Wage Labour, Solidarity

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Durkheim the division of labour in society (cst) Impact: division of labour holds together society, however, rapid expansion of dol causes anomic dol. Independence but interdependence: society: morally/culturally dis-con ----- ^ dol = functionally inter-con (mutual needs) (durkheim, 198-99) Similar to body: body of knowledge so large = individuals specialize (1 task) Social solidarity: keeping people together, ^ dol : positive correlation of. ^ moral density (people living close proximity = more contact/tense/competition [resources]) ^ material density (more technology/decrease in distance [physically/socially]) Dol volume & density of societies (durkheim, 237: dol: fundament. cause as material basis of society. Anomie normlessness due to rsc; out of balance: anomic dol. Forced dol: talent social function. (body: 1 fail = all unable to perform) Creation of capital: capital/bourgeoisie is interdependent on workers/production: capital ^ with xchange for labour power. Worker needs capital to employ; capital needs labour to exploit (causing rsc & ^ capital) (marx, 185)