Statistical Sciences 2037A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Data Set, Confounding, Standardized Test

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This document includes all questions relevant to the following topics: correlation and linear regression. That means that for the rest of the course, there will be no more sample questions provided based on this topic. In 1970, a random sample of 50 canadian women showed the following relation between annual income (in dollars) and education (in years of school): A strong positive correlation has been found in a certain city in the southwestern region of ontario between sales of hot chocolate (in dollars) and sales of facial tissues (in dollars), both measured weekly for a year. The figures below show scatterplots of two data sets. The scaling on the axes for these scatterplots is identical. The regression line relating sat scores (i. e. scores on a standardized test) and gpa (i. e. The regression line relating sat scores (i. e. scores on a standardized test) and gpa (i. e. grade point average; a summary value of scores on a series of courses) is: