Women's Studies 2260 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Feminist Legal Theory, Simone De Beauvoir, Radical Feminism

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One is not born a woman but becomes one. Phase 1: law works to exclude women. Phase 2: critiques legal and societal structures that perpetuate gender. Focus on abolishing political and civil rights. Seeks to eliminate practices that stop women from having access to public sphere. Public sphere is much more regulated them lib fem thinks it is. Significance of burden of domestic work on women. Disproportionally responsible for domestic work -> affects ability to enter employment. Struggle for reproductive freedom: decision to be mother, right to publicly funded childcare, recognition of economic value of domestic work, equality for women in workforce. Challenges core structure of society and law - organized around patriarchy/women"s oppression. Focus on sexuality and subordination of women. Difference approach: differences between sexes should be acknowledged and legally compensated. Dominance model: legal system maintains and perpetuates male dominance. Depoliticizes activities and injuries of women - childbirth, household labour. Gender is a social system that divides power.