AR101 Study Guide - Comprehensive Midterm Guide: Gordon Willey, Jacques Boucher De Crèvecœur De Perthes, Processual Archaeology

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Document Summary

Archaeological record used to answer questions about evolution of our species and development in culture. New understanding of this period in human evolution from study of human health activity patterns, land use, resources, and social structure. Documenting and understanding human past while asking the right questions. Way of viewing and learning about past human cultures through analysis of material remains. Way of life, patterns of behaviour, and material culture studied. Study the past to discover documents, study artifacts and buildings, and understand history. Collect data, conduct experiments, formulate, and test the hypothesis against more data. Material remains are products of learned, shared, and conscious structured behaviour. Tells stories of the past where it can contain multiple meanings and interpretations. Task: reconstruct patterns and explain the meaning and express the stories of the past. Exploring the past changes perspectives on human kind and learn about who we are and where we came from.