ADMS 2400 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Performance Appraisal, Job Satisfaction, Absenteeism

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Assumes that thinking of people as machines will increase productivity. Three levels of analysis (organization ex: organizational structure and culture, group ex: leadership syles and behaviors, & individual ex: job performance and individual commitment) Classical school of mgmt (fredrick tilley): theory x approach to mgmt. Participative mgmt styles where people must be involved and motivated. People don t just work for money, they have individual needs too. Individual needs much be satisfied (social, power, recognition etc) Hr school and ob is more aligned with theory y. Routine tasks: tasks that are done on a daily basis (ex: teaching class) Adaptive tasks: will not do every day, but in unexpected situation (proactive approach) *whether a firm requires more routine or adaptive tasks depends on the organization. +creates a positive organizational culture which may lower turnover due to a mutually supportive environment. *voice: expressing concern by suggesting how to resolve problems.