ADMS 3930 Study Guide - Final Guide: Transformational Leadership, Gie, Voicemail

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As hr manager of the ekati mine, you must abide by the agreement with the local aboriginal people to hire according to these requirements: However, approximately 30% of all northern workers have less than a grade nine education and functional literacy is a requirement for almost all of the jobs in the mine. Shift from manufacturing- to service- to information-based economy. Minimum wage, parental leave, hours of work, vacation entitlements. Guarantees the right to form and join unions. Prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, origin, gender, religion etc. Hiring, promotion, and other employment decisions must be based on bona fide occupational requirements. A form of discrimination in which unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favours, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature occur. That the victim and harasser must be of the opposite sex and only women can be victims. That harassment can only occur between co-workers or between supervisors and subordinates.