EECS 1520 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Virtual Memory, Application Software, Software Categories

EECS 1520 Full Course Notes
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Audio as a sound wave, microphone is a transducer, converting audio (sound waves) to electrical signals. Digitizing sound involves taking samples (measurements) at fixed rate (sampling rate) Low sampling rate reproduces a sound that does not match the original frequency. Each sample i a fixed size, called bit depth. Higher bit depth means a more accurate sample. Combining bit depth and sampling rate gives a bit rate. Higher bit rate = better quality = larger file size. Range of human hearing: 20 hz 20 khz, nyquist-shannon theorem recommends sampling rate approx. 16 bits bit depth (per channel, stereo has 2 channels), 44. 1 khz sampling rate, 1. 4 m bits/second bit rate. Uncompressed audio typically saved in a . wav format. Lossless audio compression, like text compression techniques. Lossy audio compression, remove imperceptible sounds (using psychoacoustics models), reduce bit rate (less accurate reproduction of the original)