EECS 1520 Study Guide - Final Guide: Cloud Computing, Security Certificate, Beamforming

EECS 1520 Full Course Notes
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: file server 1 requests a file from file server 2: fs1 is the client, fs2 is the server in this interaction. Message switching: data is sent in its entirety and routed to its destination, each intermediate point in the network (called a node) must wait to receive the entire message before forwarding it. Wi-fi: developed by ncr corp. (subsidiary of at&t corp. ) in 1991, standardized in 1997 (ieee 802. 11) and popularized in 1999. Wi-fi: data transmitted exposed to all other user in vicinity, older security measure (wep encryption) easily broken, use wi-fi protected access (wpa or wpa2) instead. Nfc used to steal info from rfid debit/credit cards: cbc news story, globaltv news story [use at own risk, android app to read your rfid cards, can be blocked using special wallets, cases, or aluminum foil. Bluetooth devices sometimes lack sufficient security: outline of threats, consequences, and preventative measures.