EN 1001 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Farrar, Straus And Giroux, Italian Lira, Seamus Heaney

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As the norton introduction to literature puts it, william blake must be understood not only as the author of his collections of poetry but as the creator of his books (p. 1197). As a printer and engraver, he published and printed his collections himself; using a unique method of relief etching and hand water coloring to illustrate each page (the method is sometimes referred to as illuminated printing. Blake"s poems were intended to be experienced both visually and verbally, and the printed words are linked with their illuminated illustrations. Because blake"s illumination technique depended on hand painting each page after printing it through relief etching, each copy was unique. The surviving copies of songs of innocence and experience the collection in which the poem london first appeared are all different, using different colors and shading, and highlighting different parts of each engraving. Introduction to literature reproduces a number of blake"s pages (p. 1206) from songs of innocence and experience.

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