HUMA 2680 : Wizard of OZ

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Adaptable, optimistic author, self-made man, unmade then remade. He was a consummate consumer, always looking for the next best thing, he liked fun, amusement rather than opera and what normal people of his class liked (1900 he wrote wizard of oz) Motif of journey and idea of the home . Born in new york, youngest of 7 children and had heart problems, he was raised in a happy home, he was high middle class. He read fairy tales, was a devout christian and believed in the purenic idea of not ready fairy tales, the idea that fairy tales are against christian belief. Frank was home schooled, his early years is when the civil war broke out (early 1860"s), big cultural difference. Change in economy and culture change, all had affect on frank at the same time, furthermore the circus was being developed, the first of its kind: the largest possible.

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