IHST 2010 Study Guide - Final Guide: Face Validity, Evaluation Strategy, Official Statistics
Document Summary
Study of the distribution and patterns of health-related states and factors that affect these. Survey random people to see: if they ever had disorder, if so when it began, when it ended. Then determine when to count the cases typically one-month, six-month, or one-year window. As a discipline, epidemiology knows few, if any boundaries. Epidemiology is the study of our collective health. First, descriptive, involving the identifying of patterns, trends and disease and injury differentials. Second, it moves beyond the descriptive approach to embrace causation or etiology. Prevalence rate: proportion of people at risk who have a specific condition at a given time. Point prevalence: when the window is a specific date. Period prevalence: when the window is wider, one-month, six-months, or a year. Lifetime prevalence: number of people who have ever had the disorder. Frequency of disease cases in a population at a time. Number of people in sample with disorder divided by the total sample size.