KINE 3012 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Homeostasis, Blood Sugar, Positive Feedback

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From one cell to many (embryo to adult) there is difereniaion which means specializaion (complexity) in all issues, organs, and cells Homeostasis is maintaining a relaively constant internal environment: temperature, blood glucose, blood pressure. Sensiivity of the detector (receptor) determines the range of oscillaion, some efectors have very speciic efects, others more general, local homeostaic mechanisms do not involve the integraing centre, antagonisic efectors improve responsiveness. A set point is the desired physiological value, the hierarchy of importance determines which variables have priority. The steady state is the normal range of values above/below the set point and requires energy to maintain. An error signal is any deviaion from the set point. Relative constancy means that the set point is actually a range of acceptable values (dynamic). The set point is adapive and can be reset. For homeostasis to work your body needs sensors and receptors, efectors and nerve hormones.