KINE 3340 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Arnold Gesell, Motor Learning, Pys

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The field has gone through a rather interesting history in its move from a process-oriented maturational approach product-oriented normative/descriptive approach process approach examining underlying mechanisms of motor development. Only the longitudinal and mixed-longitudinal designs are true studies of development. Developmental time rather than real time (development) age related not age dependent (as in the cross-sectional study) Motor development is continuous change in motor behaviour throughout the lfie cycle, brought about by interaction among the requirements of the mvmnt task, the biology of the individual, and the conditions of the environment. The study of motor development in the past was overshadowed by interest in the cognitive and affective processes of dvlpmnt. Dvlpmnt is a lifelong process beginning at conception and ceasing only at death. Historically, the study of motor development has gone through periods that have emphasized various explanations of the dvlpmntl process.