KINE 3350 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Public Administration, Body Composition, Canadian Medical Association

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Age related disorders: tremors; hand twitching, tardive dyskinesia; smacking lips, rocking back and forth, sticking tongue out, the terrible triad; lou gehrig"s disease, parkinson"s disease and alzheimer"s disease. No cure; death of brain cells, dopamine; both men and women get it equally; around 60-65 you get it; genetic predisposition; environment plays a role; more educated have gotten it. Tremors, start when in their lap; pin rolling hand movements, muscles are ridged; shuffling motion; movements become slow, difficultly in swallowing, speech affected, show no expression; suffer from depression. Physical therapy helps them a bit; drugs help with tremors and don"t prevent anything else; surgery, killing brain cells, doesn"t really work, deep brain surgery. Affects more women (2/3"s); # of cases are doubling every year. Brain is smaller; affects learning, judgment; very difficult disease to diagnosis, due to social issues and also people what want to have the disease.