PPAS 4070 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Charismatic Authority, Mechanical And Organic Solidarity, Social Fact

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Collective conscience - seen as an external force, independent of individual will and acted as a social fact. The collective conscience was from religion and it prevented individual differentiation in terms of personality as the individual"s identity became coordinated to the moral surroundings under the collective conscience. Furthermore, as a means of social integration, there were harsh punishments against those who offended the collective conscience. Charismatic domination - as weber described it, charismatic domination was justice that emanated from the bearer of charisma. It was unstable because it was based on the personal qualities of that particular leader. Legal pluralism - more than one legal system co-existing together in one geographical area, such as canadian law and aboriginal law. Competing claims of authority and conflicting norms often lead to conflict and it generates challenges for individuals and groups in society. Romantic crime - crimes committed by the oppressed against the powerful, done out of rebellion.