PSYC 3490 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Content Validity, Convergent Validity, Electrical Contacts

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19 Apr 2016

Document Summary

Short answers: compare an experimental with a quasi-experimental design. Quasi-experimental is used in studies of aging b/c age is not an independent variable b/c its value cannot be experimentally manipulated. Can"t conclude that predetermined characteristic caused the variations in the dependent variable. Decide on conditions that"ll let them manipulate an independent variable. Changes in dependent assumed to be due to independent. Quasi-experimental - compare groups on predetermined characteristics. Ex studies that examine age, sex, ethnicity: define age, cohort, and time of measurement. Age how many years or months the person has lived. (change w/i the individual) Cohort year or period of person"s birth (influences relative to history at time of birth) B/c they jointly influence the individ"s performance on a given psychological measurement. Research prob: cannot manipulate age and environmental influences separately. Researchers have a problem of disentangling a person"s age from the period of history in which the person is living, or lived in.