SOCI 3692 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Proletariat, Labour Power, Capital Accumulation

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Theories of Society - 3692
Ideologies that dominate a particular era
Dependent on the modes of production that dominate in a given period
Everything not directly to do with production
Ideology, art, family, law, politics, media, education, science
Passive in the relation
Maintains and shapes the base
Social, economic relation between people (not between people and things)
The name of capitalism is that you are in this surplus where you have to continue
the cycle
The capitalist accumulates for the sake of accumulation
The surplus should be about the collective decision, for the collective good
Capitalism has been demonstrating its limits, Marx understand it as a dynamic
The end of capital is something that Marx predicts
Marx had a theory of capitalism coming to an end
The falling rate of profit, you have constant capital and variable capital
Dead labour no longer produces value
Capitalism is different from all other modes of production
It separates domination from exploitation
Violence belongs to the state in capitalism
The worker doesn’t have the means of production and is economically helpless
The laborer is paid in wages and they are less than the market value
The capitalist is always searching to increase profit
One way is by reducing the cost of production
Second is by reorganizing the production process
Third is by replacing the worker with machines
Capitalism will be so concentrated and polarized that it will change
Progressive historical stage
Thought to eventually stagnate due to internal contradictions
o To be followed by socialism
Capitalist mode of production
System of organizing production and distribution within capitalist
Structure of capitalism
All history until the present is a history of classes, rulers and the rules
Ideas tend to be the ideas of the ruling class
The ruling class expropriates the surplus
Class relations are about exploitation
One class has monopoly over the other class
The laborer has to sell his labour to the capitalists
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The worker is desperate for work, and they know that there a lot of people like
themselves who could take their place
Class in itself, class for itself
Two main classes:
Wage earners : those who create the wealth
Wage owners : those who own the wealth
Class Consciousness
The beliefs that a person holds regarding their social class
Their class interests
The proletariat
Workers realize they are being exploited by the bourgeoisie
o A revolution will be inevitable
Any good or service produced by human labour
Offered as a product for general sale on the market
Exchange value + use value make a commodity
You have a commodity, you sell it and buy something else with it
You have equivalents on the ends
Some priced goods are also treated as commodities
Human labour-power
Exchange value
An item is produced and sold on the market
Exchange value turns quality into quality
When we think of exchange value we think of money, it involves some form of
This renders everything equivalent to everything else
Exchange value is fundamentally abstract, constituted in the economic process
The subsets become separated from the reality
This value is determined by labour input
The value given to someone during a transaction
Usually expressed as a money-price
Use value
Physical properties of the commodity
The material used to where the object can fulfill human needs
False consciousness
The way in which material, ideological and institutional processes mislead
members of the proletariat
Workers are not aware at how unjust their situation really is
They have taken on beliefs and values that benefit the bourgeoisie
Forces of production
Physical means and techniques where labourers add value and transform capital
into products for sale
Means of production
Physical non-human inputs used for production
Natural resources, facilities, machinery
The means of production have different classes
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