PSYC-105 FA4 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Face Validity, Lowkey, Validity Scale

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Achievement: what you can do now: 2. Aptitude: what you can do later: 3. When is a test useful: reliability: the consistency with which it measures what it measures. Types of reliability: test-retest: administer the same test twice, problems: Performance on the first may influence performance on the next. Validity: concerned with accuracy, types, face validity: does it look like it measures what it measures. By itself completely useless: content validity: does the test measure what we are interested in measuring. It is built into the test at the time of construction: criterion validity: compare the score on the test to some external criterion. Concurrent: the test and criterion are both available: group social adjustment scale. Predictor: scores are available before the criterion: e. g. test scores and college performance. Get scores first, see criterion (college grades) later. Can a test have high reliability and low validity: yes! E. g. measure height, use it to predict math scores.