REL 1310 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Farrer Hypothesis, Essenes, Q Source

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22 Mar 2017

Document Summary

Gospel: the teaching or revelation of christ, the record of jesus life and teaching in the first four books of the testament, means good news. Synoptic: to see together/one eye (matthew, mark, luke) Two-level drama: addresses history and writes for a community (jesus and community) Torah: guidance or direction from god to his people, first five books. Audiences of the gospels: mark: suffering audience, matthew: audience was mostly jewish, luke: written to pagan background/gentiles. Antichrist(s): occurs five times in 1 john and 2 john. Kingdom of heaven: used in matthew because audience was jewish. Not typically realistic but sets our goals, way to not get comfortable makes you grow with god. Superstition, magic, and spirits: daimns: almost like demons, blame things on unseen things, evil eye-harm upon them, charm bracelets to keep people away, shrines at crossroads, symbols-fallick (boys privates) Holy spirit: third of the trinity, emphasis in luke.