EPS C82 Midterm: EPS C82 MT1 Study
Document Summary
Lecture 2: origins of water & basic earth history. Earth formed ~4. 56 b years ago/ universe formed ~13. 5 b years ago. Origin of solar system & planet - solar nebular theory. Elements: 118 known, 20 artificial, 98 natural (inc berkelium, californium, lawrencium) Of all visible matter in universe, 75% hydrogen (a1), 23% helium (a4), 2% heavier elements. H and some he formed just after the big bang (13. 8 b years ago) that dominate in us and our planet. Isotopes of an element can have zero or more neutrons in the nucleus of the atom. Hydrogen isotopes: protium (1p), deuterium (1p1n), tritium (1p2n, good tracer) - p and d. Helium-3 has 2 protons and 1 neutron/ -4 2 protons and 2 neutrals stable, t radioactive. Heavier e formed in stars (up to oxygen 16) in sun, fe/iron-56 in massive stars) - stellar nucleosynthesis. Heavier elements are formed from fusion of lighter elements (which also releases energy), up to.