CAS BI 106 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Dense Irregular Connective Tissue, Holocrine, Hyaline Cartilage

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Epithelial tissue: characteristics, functions, lines organs/cavities/blood vessels, forms skin, made up entirely of cells, avascular, polarized (apical and basal side, physical protection, selective permeability, secretions, sensations, specific epithelia types. Stratified cuboidal cells in basal layer may vary in shape, but apical side is typical cuboidal cell. Appears to be many layers but all cells are connected to basement membrane. Lung lining, blood vessel lining, body cavity lining. Ureters: gap junctions, cell membranes of adjacent cells fuse together to essentially create, desmosomes, tight junctions one giant cell. Increases cellular communication and transport b: similar to a light socket, anchoring junctions bind cells together, similar to snaps, proteins zip together and interlock, prevents materials from passing through, similar to red rover. Connective tissue: components, cells, ground substance, protein fibers, elastin, collagen, reticular, connective tissue proper, fibroblasts: fiber creators, adipocytes: fat cells, resident/wandering immune cells, types. Lipids stored in central vacuoles, looks like holes punched into it.