COM CO 101 Study Guide - Final Guide: Media Literacy, Mass Media, Samuel Morse
Document Summary
Represent differences in emphasis but are both interested in accomplishing objectives and maintain good relationships through communication. Focuses on the study of influence point is to persuade others. Point is to get people to do or think what you want. Art of rhetoric that corex developed was meant to prove peoples claims at court. In athens teachers who charged established small schools and charged students for attending their lectures. Theorist in study of communications from rhetorical approach. Wrote book rhetoric based on 3 books: one concerned with speaker, another concerned with audience, another with speech itself. The faculty of discussing in a particular case what are the available means of persuasion. Ethos the nature of the source credibility. Logos the nature of the message presented (logic) All arguments should be based on probability and. Must be based on what the audience believes to be. Adapt to the audience so you can convince them persuasion true.