BIOL 100 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Red Algae, Germ Theory Of Disease, Protist

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The germ theory of disease holds that some diseases are caused by microbes (germs). Atoms, molecule (dna), cell (neuron), tissue, organ brain, organ system, individual, population, Community, ecosystem, biome. (domain) king philips came out for goodness sake (bacteria)(archaea)(eukarya[protista, plantae, fungi, animalia]) Could be 3 million to 100 million species. The early earth had no free oxygen gas in its atmosphere. When photosynthetic cyanobacteria began producing waste oxygen, they started to change the atmospheric composition of earth by increasing the level of available oxygen. Prokaryotes can reproduce quickly through an asexual process called binary fission. Combining genetic materials of 2 different gametes, increases genetic diversity. First eukaryotic fossil, a protist species similar to modern red algae. Some of the best-known protists are disease-causing pathogens: dinoflagellates red tide (algal boom), caused by pigmented single-celled dinoflagellates. Fern: evolved vascular tissue to transport water and nutrients provide better structural support.