STAT 150 Study Guide - Final Guide: Jessica Utts, Sample Size Determination, Breakfast Cereal

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What educated citizens should know about statistics and probability. We need to understand the statistics which the media gives us. There has been a change in statistics from calculations to understanding information presented to us as the public or the statistician. Presents 7 things which should be understood by everyone. When it can be concluded that a relationship is one of cause and effect, and when it cannot, including the difference between randomized experiments and observational studies. The difference between statistical signi cance and practical importance, especially when using large sample sizes. The difference between nding no effect or no difference and nding no statistically signi cant effect or difference, especially when using small sample sizes. Common sources of bias in surveys and experiments,such as poor wording of questions, volunteer response, and socially desirable answers. The idea that coincidences and seemingly very improbable events are not uncommon because there are so many possibilities.