ASL 101 Study Guide - Final Guide: Diuretic, Enuresis, Respiratory Tract

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6 Nov 2020

Document Summary

Please answer each question below and click submit when you have completed the quiz. Submitted answers, correct answers, feedback: question 1. A triangular area between the openings of the two ureters and the urethra. A 2-year-old male is diagnosed with wilms tumor. A 15-year-old female presents with flank pain, irritability, malaise, and fever. A nurse observes on the chart that a patient is admitted with wilms tumors. A nurse knows the tumors are found in the: When the nurse discusses the glomerulus and bowman capsule together, it is referred to as the renal: A 3-year-old female presents with recurrent urinary tract infections (utis), fever, poor growth and development, and feeding problems. Tests reveal a retrograde flow of urine from the urinary bladder into the ureters. When giving report to the oncoming shift, the nurse will call this condition: A 19-year-old female was involved in a motor vehicle accident during which she sustained a closed head injury.