ED SP 3700 Study Guide - Final Guide: Ear Canal, Aqueous Humour, Cued Speech

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Definition of special education: specially designed instruction that meets the unusual needs of an exceptional student and that might require special materials, teaching techniques or equipment/facilities. Assessment issues in multicultural/bilingual special education: tests can be bias because we assume students grow up under a. Instruction of multicultural/bilingual students certain way when really, students can come from all different traditions that they may not understand certain routines or ideas. Idea of holidays: ensuring all students are instructed in ways that don"t penalize them because of their cultural differences and capitalizing on cultural heritage, two general areas, 1. Federal definition of intellectual disabilities: aaidd: (cid:498)a disability characterized by significant limitations both intellectual functioning and in adaptive behavior as expressed in conceptual, social, and practical adaptive skills. The term does not include children who are socially maladjusted unless it is determined that they are emotionally disturbed. Internalizing behaviors: keeping things to themselves that typically leads to a build up and explosion.