PPE-3003 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Pollination Syndrome, Social Learning Theory, Humanistic Psychology

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Note: exams may contain material not included on this guide. Material on guide is not guaranteed to be on exams. Use this information as a guide for your studying, but do not treat it as a map that will show you everything. This information comes from the textbook and the lectures. An individual"s characteristic patterns of thought, emotion, and behavior, together, with the psychological mechanisms-hidden or not- behind those patterns. We cant really know a person because it is an overwhelming amount of information to know about someone which includes three levels of psychological individuality: these three levels are dispositional traits, characteristic adaptations and life story/narrative. Be able to differentiate the mean approaches he discusses (see table 1. 1) The eclectic approach- multiple perspective are useful because one approach cannot sufficiently explain all of personality. What are their pros/cons: dispositional traits, characteristic adaptations, and our life story.