MATH 113 Midterm: MATH 113 Harvard 113 Fall 01113review

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15 Feb 2019

Document Summary

The nal exam will cover everything in chapters 1-11 and 13 of the course text, excluding a few results we skipped, e. g. the schwarz re ection prin- ciple. I will of course emphasize material which was speci cally covered in lectures or in the homework. In certain cases (e. g. simple connectedness) we de ned things di erently in class than the way they are de ned in the book. You should follow the class notes in such cases. The exam will emphasize de nitions, statements, and applications of the main results of the class. It will contain some proofs but will not be ex- cessively proof-oriented. For example, you will not be asked to prove any di cult results (such as the cauchy integral theorem or residue theorem) from scratch. I am mainly interested in seeing if you know how to use such results.