01:377:310 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Motor Skill, Statistical Hypothesis Testing, Temporary Work

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17: consider the following performance situation: you are a basketball player guarding an opponent who has the ball. You know that in about 80% of the time the player will make a move to your right and take a shot. So, you prepare to move in that direction. But, unexpectedly the player moves to your left. The rt for the 3 movements will be: faster than for the 6 movements, slower than for the 6 movements, the same for both movement sequences, rt cannot be measured in these movement situations. These programs: help athletes improve their performance of skills. 17: two important functions of working memory are to serve as a: (1) storage location for information just presented; (2) workspace to integrate information you just received with information retrieved from. The results showed that during practice, performance for condition b was better than for a. But, on the transfer test, a was better than b.