37:533:315 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Human Resource Management, Strategic Management, Organizational Culture

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Global hrm exam #1 study guide- september 30. International human resource management- the study and application of all human resource management activities as they impact the process of managing human resources in enterprises in the global environment. The drivers of the international business: trade agreements. Trade between countries and within regions of the world is constantly increasing on a global basis, regionally, and through bilateral trade treaties and partner-countries. Decreased trade barriers and open markets have resulted in faster-growing economies throughout the world. Local and national governments support and encourage growing cross-border trade and foreign investment. The center of global trade is moving away from the developed countries of w. Europe, na to china, s asia, etc: search for new markets and reduced costs. Global competition comes from anywhere and everywhere. Competition forces organizations to search for new markets and revenues and lower costs, often best found in other countries: rapid and extensive global communication.